Monday, October 6, 2014

Weekly Update Oct. 6-10

NEW Announcements:

-Please be aware that progress reports will be sent home on Wednesday. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

What are we learning???

Our first unit of math in 6th grade has come to an end! We will be spending Monday reviewing for the 2-day test. We will begin the test on Tuesday and conclude it on Wednesday.

This week, we will review the importance of taking accurate measurements as well as how to use the metric system. The students will also tie what they've been learning in math about graphing data to science through various activities. This will lead up to a larger project that I will be introducing next week.

ELA: Spelling - The students have concluded their 4th week of spelling! In efforts to meet the need of EACH student, Mr. Burress and I are excited to announce that we will be rolling out a new spelling program titled Words Their Way. Through this program, students learn the spelling patterns, root words, and so much more! We will be giving two lessons on their word lists each week and then they will be assessed on them each Friday. Similar to their spelling activities, they will have 3 required activities to complete each week with their assigned words. A letter was sent home Monday with more information.

Writing - The students have written their first draft of their personal narrative. We practiced story-telling and effective leads before the "Big Draft Day" on Friday. Let me tell you, they were SO eager to start their stories! This week, we will continue to practice techniques to make our writing all the more powerful!

Reading - We are reviewing how to discuss books with our peers and how to think about our reading in meaningful ways. The students have enjoyed reading Wonder and have been able to have some wonderful discussions about the point of view and purpose of the story. They take what we practice with Wonder and then apply it to their own book that they are reading.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Ball

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