Monday, December 15, 2014

Weekly Update Dec. 15-19


-Math Study Group: Due to the number of responses I have received, I will be postponing the start of
the weekly math study group to January. However, I have scheduled a test review for Tuesday, Dec. 16th from 3:30-4:30. We will go over the study guide questions and prepare for the test on Friday. If your student will be attending the after school study session, please write a note or email confirming this and informing me of where your student will be going at 4:30pm. Thanks so much!

* Molly and Marcus for your excellent service at the Senior Holiday lunch last week!
* The whole class for an excellent band and choir performance!

What are we learning???

This week, we will be completing a fraction project in class as well as reviewing for the test on Friday, Dec. 19th. Review sheet for the test will be passed out today. Students that will be absent next week will present their projects on Thursday. All others will present next week. If you would like more information on the project, please ask your child to explain the requirements and show you the guidelines.


This week, we will be completing a Periodic Table Project. Students will research how they interact daily with various elements/compounds. They will be creating a periodic table complete with illustrations of the uses of elements along with an explanation sheet. Students that will be absent next week will present their projects on Friday. All others will present next week. A quiz on what we have been learning about the periodic table will be this Thursday, Dec. 18th. Students have received a slip informing them of what will be covered on the quiz.

Spelling - The students have joined their new spelling groups. Everything will remain the same with their assignments for each week. Students will meet with their groups on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. There will be NO spelling the week of Christmas due to the two day school week.

Writing - We are in the final stretch with our literary essays! By the end of the week, they will be complete and ready to share next week!

Reading - We have been enjoying some short stories by Cynthia Rylant. Through these short stories, we are discussing theme. This will help in preparing the students for their next writing project which will focus around a theme of a story.

Between now and Christmas, we will be practicing our fluency skills through a couple reader's theater plays. The students have been given their second reader's theater play. Please ask your child to practice his/her lines at home to ensure adequate preparedness for presentation day. The goal is not memorization of their lines, rather smooth and fluent reading/speaking skills. The performance for this play will be Friday, Dec. 19th. This performance will be filmed and students will then view and self-score themselves on fluency next week.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Ball

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