Monday, February 23, 2015

Weekly Update Feb. 23-27


-Math Study Group:  We will have math group this Thursday, Feb. 26th as well as March 5th. As a reminder, if your student will be attending the study group, please write a note or email confirming this and informing me of where your student will be going at 4:30pm. Thanks so much!

-Preparing for Middle School: Mr. Burress and I are slowly releasing responsibility to the students to help them prepare for Middle School. Last week, they began walking themselves back from lunch. I am also changing our planner checks in the afternoon. They are now responsible to record the homework in their planners. If there are any issues with this and not completing the required homework, I will let you know.

-Spring Break: If you are planning on leaving early for Spring Break, please call me or send me an email so I can send the work home that your child will be missing. Thank you in advance!

What are we learning???

This week we will finish up Unit 5 with one more section about parallelograms and a review day. The test for Unit 5 is THIS Thursday, Feb. 26th and the Written Response will be Friday, Feb. 27th. The study guide for this unit is REQUIRED. They will be completing it as homework and the whole packet will be due Wednesday so we can go over it.


We are beginning our discovery of the circulatory system this week. The students will do several interactive activities with the heart as well as the system as a whole. There will be a quiz on Section 1 in their textbooks on Thursday, Feb 26th. They will be able to use their notes for the quiz.

Reading - Book Club will continue to take place Tuesday and Friday. The students are encouraged to prepare for their discussions by doing some of the following: record interesting quotes, questions from the text, events in the story that are confusing, difficult vocabulary, predictions, etc. The book club project Artful Artist is due March 24th.

In our reading textbook, we will be reading an essay written by Anne Frank titled "Why?". Today, I will introduce the reading response that will be due on Friday.We will do a bit of research on Anne Frank and synthesize it into a paragraph on Wednesday.

Writing - We have begun our informational writing unit on teen activism. Last week, the students chose a cause and a teen activist to research. This week, we will continue to polish our research skills and collect information to cover the "big picture" of our topic. By Friday, they will have a flash draft of their essay. I'm thoroughly impressed with their energy and enthusiasm as they research a cause that they are passionate about! We have a class full of teen activists in the making! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Ball

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