Monday, March 16, 2015

Weekly Update March 16-20


-Welcome back: I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable Spring Break!

-Math Study Group:  We will NOT have math group this Thursday, March 19th due to a staff meeting. We will meet next Thursday, March 26th and review the skills taught for unit 6 thus far. 

-Lock-In: The lock-in is THIS Friday night. Permission forms are due TOMORROW, March 17th to Mrs. Moroney.

What are we learning???

This week, we will be doing a whole mix of things in Math! Monday, we will start with Pi Day activities since we weren't in school for the actual day (3/14). Tuesday, the students will have a chance to play the review math games Mr. Burress' students made before break. We will then begin Unit 6 with the pretest on Wednesday and begin our discovery of fraction multiplication and division.


Through our work with the body systems, several questions came up about diseases and disorders that occur in different organs and systems of our body. To help answer some of these questions and gain new understanding, we will be completing a mini-research projects on a disease/disorder of the body. They will be creating Prezi's to share their information. Presentations will be Friday, March, 20th.

Reading - Book Club books should be completed by this Tuesday. There will be a brief discussion during Tuesday's book club and then students have the rest of the time to work on their Artful Artist projects. They will also have Friday to work on them as well. Artful Artist is due March 24th.

In our reading textbook, we will be reading a 
speech titled “There Is No Salvation for India” by Mohandas Gandhi. On Monday, I will introduce the reading response options that will be due on Friday.

Writing - This week the students will begin constructing their Weebly sites and inputting all of their wonderful writing! We will continue the revising process and offering feedback as we near completion of our sites.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Ball

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