Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekly Update May 18-22


-STAR Testing: We have STAR Testing this week for Math and ELA. The Math test will be Monday, May 18 from 9:45-10:30. The ELA test will be Tuesday, May 19th from 1-1:45.

-Elementary Music Rehearsal: On Wednesday afternoon, we will be watching and encouraging K-5 students at their concert rehearsal. This will take place in the DCA from 1-3pm.

-Library: The last day students are allowed to check out books from the library is May 22nd. There will be a few shelves of free books students can take and keep! Great for summer reading!

-Our JDRF Walk is fast aproaching! It will take place on May 22nd out on the track from 1:30-3. There will be free beverages and healthy snacks to enjoy. There will be a JDRF merchandise booth where all proceeds will go to Diabetes research. A raffle will also be set up with GREAT prizes donated from the community! The public is welcome to attend and walk for as long as they would like.

Please share the link from the post below with friend and family!

What are we learning???

We are continuing Unit 7 this week on probability. Our focus will be on using tree diagrams to calculate probabilities, using Venn diagrams to solve problems, and determining fair vs. unfair games. The Unit 7 test will be Friday, May 29th and the Written Response will be Monday, June 1st.


We have begun a mini unit on Animal Classifications. We are taking about a day to learn about the specific Domains, Kingdoms, etc. Next week, students will get to choose a classification level they want to learn more about and complete a project to share with the class.

As somewhat of a read aloud until the end of the year, Mr. Burress and myself are reading a personality identification book to our classes titled Strengths Finder. After reading a little about each personality type, or theme, we post a brief statement describing them individually on the board in our hallway. Our hope is that at the end of the year, the students will be able to identify three themes that fit them best. They will write a reflection about those three themes and how it relates to them.

For poetry this week, we will be analyzing poems that contain hyperboles, similes, and metaphors. Students will then take what they have learned and apply it to their own freely written poems. Last week, the students were asked to share ONE poem that they have written over the course of this unit at the Poetry Slam on Friday, May 29th from 2-5pm. The Poetry Slam is a fundraiser for Door Cancer organized by Mr. Burress' class.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Ball

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