Monday, May 4, 2015

Weekly Update May 4-8


-Math Study Group:  With various schedule conflicts through the end of the year, I will need to cancel math group starting this week. Thank you for your understanding! 

-Point Beach Energy Center: We will have an all day field trip this Wednesday to the Point Beach
Energy Center. We will leave at 8:15 and return by 3pm. Students MUST bring a bag lunch.

-Badger Testing: Below is the Badger Testing schedule that was also sent home last week.

May 4:
10-10:30 Math  Classroom Activity
May 5:
10:00-11:00 Math Activity Test
May 6:
Nuclear Power Plant Field Trip
May 7:
10:00-11:00 Math Test
May 8:
10:00-10:30 Math Test
May 11:
1:00-2:00 ELA Test
May 12:
1:00-2:00 ELA Test
May 13:
May 14:
May 15:
May 18:
Make Up Testing
May 19:
Make Up Testing
May 20:
Make Up Testing
May 21:
Make Up Testing
May 22:
Make Up Testing

-JDRF Kids Walk: Our class is so excited to organize the annual JDRF Kids Walk. JDRF's goal is to improve the lives of individuals with type 1 diabetes all while finding the cure. We are partnering with a JDRF representative and have already had two Skype calls with her and her staff member. Your child is on a specific planning committee. Here are some things the students are working on: creating a website for our event, contacting businesses for donations, planning the assembly and an educational presentation, creating posters, planning entertainment for the event, and booking the venue for both the walk and the assembly! They have really taken ownership of this event and are enjoying the process!
There are the two important dates for the JDRF Walk: May 8th is the 3-8th grade assembly in the DCA from 1:30-3 and May 22nd is the actual JDRF Walk out on the track from 1:30-3.

What are we learning???

This week, we will be completing the Badger Test during math class. Due to this, there will be no homework for math this week.


Last week, each class performed an audit on how efficiently the 6th grade classes use energy. The students will take that information to create a plan for each class to save and conserve energy/resources.
We are excited to visit the Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant this Wednesday! We will complete a few activities to prepare for the field trip and debrief what we learn while at Point Beach.


Two weeks ago, we finished reading A Wrinkle in Time. Last week, we watched the 2004 Disney version of the book. Moving forward, we will be completing compare/contrast essays on the two versions of the story.

As somewhat of a read aloud until the end of the year, Mr. Burress and myself are reading a personality identification book to our classes titled Strengths Finder. After reading a little about each personality type, or theme, we post a brief statement describing them individually on the board in our hallway. Our hope is that at the end of the year, the students will be able to identify three themes that fit them best.

For poetry this week, we will be analyzing and discussing just one poem to look at rhyme scheme: “Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout Would Not Take the Garbage Out” by Shel Silverstein. Throughout the week, we will continue to write various types of poems and publish them in our Poetry Notebooks

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

Mrs. Ball

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